5 Simple Techniques to Last Longer in Bed

5 Simple Techniques to Last Longer in Bed

Have you ever ejaculated before you wanted to? Most guys have. You’re not alone. There are lots of techniques out there to last longer in bed, and in this article I’ll share 5 of the easiest ones you can start using today. Let’s get to it! 1. Empty your...
My First Tantric Orgasm

My First Tantric Orgasm

My first Tantric Orgasm happened when I least expected it. I remember my girlfriend and I laying in bed, fighting… We were only a few months in to our relationship, and we did the thing that some new couples dread… We shared the list of our past sexual partners...
Benefits of a Semen Retention Practice

Benefits of a Semen Retention Practice

When you choose to practice semen retention, you are choosing to… Live for something greater. Build your sexual energy and use it in every aspect of life. Have an empowered, mind-blowingly amazing sex life. Live in a way that is unbound by the limited beliefs...
Are Frequent Ejaculations Hurting Your Life?

Are Frequent Ejaculations Hurting Your Life?

If you ejaculate often, you’re probably living in a constant state of ejaculation hangover. I lived in this state for years, and I had no idea what it was doing to my life…   What is Ejaculation Hangover? It’s the period of time after an...
A One-Month Tantra Training Without Sex

A One-Month Tantra Training Without Sex

I just studied Tantra for 5 weeks in Thailand, I didn’t have sex with anybody, and it was fucking incredible. During the first evening of our retreat the facilitators asked us all (including the couples), to commit to not being sexual for the next 7 days. We agreed to...