If you ejaculate often, you’re probably living in a constant state of ejaculation hangover.

I lived in this state for years, and I had no idea what it was doing to my life…


What is Ejaculation Hangover?

It’s the period of time after an ejaculation where the majority of men experience states of suppressed confidence, passion, sexual power, creativity, purpose, and overall decreased performance in life.

Ejaculation hangover is different than the term “sexual refractory period,” which is a term that refers to the amount of time it takes after an ejaculatory orgasm for a man’s cock to become hard and have sex again.

The sexual refractory period can last a few minutes or up to a few hours, but the effects of an ejaculation hangover can last for days after one ejaculation.


Ejaculation Hangover Effects on Men - Orgasm Hangover Effects on Men

Have you ever paid close attention to how you feel after you ejaculate? What about the next day? What about the day after that?

If you are in a long-term relationship, do you lose sexual desire for your partner for a few days after an ejaculation?

Have you ever ejaculated multiple times in a day, and then felt foggy, distractable, and/or energetically weak the next day?

If you are ejaculating every day, you are probably not living up to your full potential as a human. I’m not going to say it’s 100% black and white, because there are extreme outliers in every population, but for the vast majority of us with cocks, ejaculating every day is probably not a good idea.


Try an experiment:

Go 7 days without ejaculating and pay attention to what happens. Notice any shifts in your mental clarity. Notice how you feel in your body. Notice how your heart feels during this time. Pay attention to your levels of motivation and passion change – I can almost guarantee they’ll go up.


Ejaculation Hangover Effects on Men - Orgasm Hangover Effects on Men

Your semen and sexual energy are vital parts of your life force. 

If you’re just spilling this energy out through regular ejaculations, you’re not receiving the benefit of this power.

If you decide to conserve this energy and not ejaculate all the time, you will almost certainly uplevel your life, and I encourage every man to try it.

I especially encourage you to try this practice if you’re not sure what you’re doing with your life. And/or if you have low confidence and/or if you feel like you’re living in a haze.

This practice isn’t going to solve your problems, but it will help you be the kind of person you need to be to take yourself to the next level and live a fucking magnificent life.


Ejaculation Hangover Effects on Men - Orgasm Hangover Effects on Men


The benefits of semen retention include increased confidence, passion, clarity, creativity, performance, sexual desire and more. If you are in a state with heightened levels of these things, the thoughts and feelings that naturally arise during your day will be totally different than those that would arise in a state of ejaculation hangover.

I highly, highly encourage you to experiment with this practice. It might change your life.

Please feel free to share this article with anyone who you think could benefit.




Side note – Sex Toys for Men?

    I get asked about sex toys a lot too, so here’s a list of some of my favorites (I own and use all of these).

    *Transparency – I have used all of these products for a while, and I love them. I reached out to the companies that make them and asked to be an affiliate, because I wanted to share their creations with the world. If you purchase one of the toys from a link above, a percentage of the sale will help me continue to do this work. Thank you, and thank them for making such amazing creations!
