You can begin today!

Semen Retention Foundations
A 7-day training to build your sexual vitality, clarify your purpose and upgrade your entire life.
Join a group of men from around the world who are committed to creating their best lives.

Semen Retention Foundations
A 7-day training to build your sexual vitality, clarify your purpose and upgrade your entire life.
And upgrade your life forever.
► Brain fog… Lack of clarity… Lack of direction…
► Getting distracted by porn…
► Not feeling sexually vital…
► Not being clear on your life purpose…
► Knowing you have more to offer the world, but feeling like you’re watching life pass you by…
► Consistently feel alive, clear-headed and inspired
► Be a sexually vital man that people notice.
► Live with deep confidence and ease.
► Create an epic lifestyle that gives you all the benefits of Integrative Semen Retention – in a safe and balanced way
Over these 7 days, we’ll merge Taoist & Yogic Sexuality with practical western exercises so you can…
1. Build Your Sexual Power
And use it to improve literally every aspect of your life – including your creative projects, relationships, work life and financial abundance.
2. Transmute Your Sexual Energy
Through practical exercises that merge esoteric wisdom with western practicality in safe ways that leave you feeling powerful, balanced and clear.
3. Identify your Ideal Ejaculation Frequency
And INCREASE the pleasure of your ejaculatory orgasms – because intentional ejaculations are an important part of a healthy, pleasure-positive semen retention practice.

► 7 potent modules that merge esoteric wisdom and western practicality into embodied success – over 7 days (described below)
► Everything you need to upgrade your life with Semen Retention in a healthy and balanced way
► a PDF exercise checklist with clearly outlined exercises for you to complete each day
► Recordings of three live group coaching sessions from a previous round of this course.
Create a powerful new life direction in just one week..

Commit to yourself for these 7 days, and we’ll start by clarifying what Semen Retention actually is and how it works.
► Learn how to benefit from the biological, neurochemical, psychological and esoteric components of Integrative Semen Retention.
► Hear my personal story of how Semen Retention changed my life, why I still practice this lifestyle today, and how this is VERY different from NoFap and/or abstinence..

By cutting out lifestyle decisions that hold you back from living your best life.
► Be ruthlessly honest with yourself, so you can create positive change that actually lasts.
► Take immediate action to create this change (during day 2) so you can immediately experience results.

And learn how to transmute your sexual energy.
► Demystify the concept of sexual energy so you can identify it and feel it in your entire body.
► Practice building and transmuting your sexual energy with a powerful technique designed to move sexual energy from your genitals into your entire body.

Through the practice of Sexual Qigong.
► Learn how to avoid the dangers of a Semen Retention practice, so you can get all of the benefits without hurting yourself.
► Learn how to avoid blue balls for good – even if you have sex for an hour and don’t ejaculate.

Take practical action steps to integrate your sexuality with your higher life vision & purpose.
► Clarify your life values and purpose so your increased sexual energy can help you create the life you want.
► Deeply understand how your values & purpose create a “channel” for your new and heightened energy to flow through.

By completing a generative self-pleasure practice that is KEY to a successful Integrative Semen Retention lifestyle.
► Learn how amazing sexual pleasure can be when it doesn’t end in ejaculatory orgasm.
► Experience the benefits of non-ejaculatory sexual arousal on your entire system.

Clarify the importance of intentional ejaculation as part of Integrative Semen Retention practice.
► Learn methods to experience even more pleasurable ejaculatory orgasms – in ways that ADD to your life instead of deplete.
► Create an action plan to determine your Ideal Ejaculation Frequency, and to determine how to integrate everything from this course into your entire life.

► Learn what semen retention plateau is, and learn what you can do about it.
► Create a concrete action-plan to help you quit watching porn (if you need to).
► Practice an important Taoist exercise that will help you bring more joy, love and ease into your sex life (and entire life).
► Watch an authentic interview with my partner Naema Pierce and I about our sex life and how semen retention plays a big role in our relationship. (Filmed specifically for this course, and interviewed by Jon Handelman). Screenshot:
I feel more confident in my body. I feel like I can use my sexual energy towards building by dreams. I’m highly motivated again for the first time in a very long time.
I did your 7 day semen retention course and love it! I am 49 and have been looking at porn and masterbating regularly for years. I felt like a zombie in a passionless marriage…
My wife and I spent the day together on day 7 and she thought she was with a new stranger! I will be first in line to sign up for the next larger course. You have it figured out man!
i love the clarity and power that arrived after the exercise on day 6. up until then, i experienced a small charge. it somehow increased exponentially after the day 6 exercise.
I went for a run for the first time in months, experienced pulsating tingles through my forearms during the self-pleasuring exercise, have been more productive at work, have been more intentional with my time, allowing me to be more present with what I’m doing… I haven’t watched porn in more than a week. I’ve become much clearer about my life’s purpose, and the way I want to live it. Thank you Taylor!
I have achieved a true level of mental clarity with this course. I now have the tools and understanding of how to harness and redirect my sexual energy. Something that I did not think was possible!
Taylor, this week has been tough but i did it! I’m starting to feel freedom in my mind and body. It’s a feeling that I’m in full control – not my cock and urges. I feel my purpose in life is more fulfilled thanks to this. Helping me direct my sexual energy in my body for growth in my personal life has been a HUGE step in for me. THANK YOU for being there for me every day this week, you have changed my life. Love you brother.
I feel lit up! The best part of this has been my deep clarity around what is natural energy and what is artificial energy. Aka caffeine versus sexual vitality. I feel more able to control my urges. Wonderful course!
Feeling the energy again. Deeper attraction to loved ones around me. Feeling of self compassion and self love and not self loathing. Mental clarity. I wanted more brotherhood. More connection time. More hearing of other men’s stories. It’s so rare to be in a group of guys who openly talk about sex, ejaculation, anal pleasure etc without shame or taboo. There is huge freedom for me in learning from others and realizing I’m not shameful or weird.
I’m surprised at how much more focused and clear I am in my mind and memory after these 7 days. Thinking much less about sex, looking less at ladies as sexual objects, and being more focused on my tasks and goals, and this is only 7 days man!
Now I see even more clearly the power of intention and devotion for my inner and outer goals. That is amazing 🙂 Thank you very much for the 7 day course, for sure I am recommending this to my friends. Take care!
I just finished your 7 day challenge and wanted to say thank you so much! I’m a student in Brussels and I started watching your videos a couple of weeks ago. I decided to try the 7 day semen retention course, and now after doing it I can REALLY feel the difference.
I concentrate a lot better, and I’m much more effective. It helped me work on my own projects outside of university too. So thank you thank you thank you !!! It was great. I recommended this to some of my friends. Thanks again for making this course and helping out guys all over the world.
It’s now clear for me that my sexuality and sexual energy are not separate from the rest of my life. My sexual energy manifests in many different ways than just wanting to have sex or ejaculate – it takes the form of many other cravings too. Thanks to all the reflection time in the course, I have a much more holistic outlook on my sexual energy and how it is an integral part of my life. Thank you Taylor for your guidance and inspiration.
These charts show quantitative data (before/after) from the men who’ve completed this 7-day journey. They were asked the following questions on the 1st day and the 7th day:
Q1: “Rate your level of mental clarity for the last week on a scale of 0-100.”


Q2: “I am often distracted by porn, sexual fantasy, sexual pursuits and/or the desire to watch porn.”


Q3: “I feel clear about my life purpose.”


Q4: “I feel powerful in my life on a daily basis.”


How much time will this course take?
You should expect to invest about 1 hour per day in this course (divided between watching the daily lesson, exercise and reflection questions).
Do I have to participate in the live group calls?
No. The group calls are a bonus, and you can watch the replays at any time. The majority of this course is pre-recorded – it’s designed for you to do your own work on your own time.
Will this be super new-agey?
How long will I have access to this training?
You have access for years to come… and there is a lot in this training that you’ll probably want to come back to in the weeks after you complete it.
What if I'm gay?
Perfect – you are 100% welcome and celebrated in this course. The only thing heteronormative about this course is my own personal sexual orientation.
What if I'm not happy with this training?
You can let me know at any point before day 4 becomes available, and I’ll issue you a refund no questions asked. Once Day 4 becomes available, refunds will not be possible.
Your Guide…
And why this 7-Day Semen Retention Training was created…
My name is Taylor,
And Semen Retention changed my life.
You’re probably here because you heard me talking about it somewhere, and you’re probably wondering what this practice can do for you. I want you to know…
You can experience the benefits of semen retention in just 7 days!
I created this 7-day course because I want you to experience these benefits, and I know that not every guy wants to retain for 21 days (the length of my longer course on Semen Retention).
Personally, I’ve found that my life is the most amazing when I ejaculate once every 8-12 days. That is my Ideal Ejaculation Frequency (IEF)… and discovering my IEF changed the game of Semen Retention for me (more pleasure, ease, and enjoyment of all aspects of sex and life).
In this course, you’ll learn how to figure out your own IEF, and you’ll learn how intentional ejaculatory orgasms are an important part of an Integrative Semen Retention practice.
(You’ll also learn how to improve the pleasure of your ejaculatory orgasms too!)
This practice really is worth it…
If you put in the work, these 7 days could set a foundation for you that changes the rest of your life.
Join me for the journey. Commit to yourself for 7 days… really go for it… and see what happens. You will be different on the other side.
See you in the course!

Your Guide…
And why this 7-Day Semen Retention Training was created…

My name is Taylor,
And Semen Retention changed my life.
You’re probably here because you heard me talking about it somewhere, and you’re probably wondering what this practice can do for you. I want you to know…
You can experience the benefits of semen retention in just 7 days!
I’m serious.
Not every guy wants to retain for 21 days, so I created this course to give you the foundations of everything you’ll need to do this practice in a powerful and healthy way.
Personally, I’ve found that my life is the most amazing when I ejaculate once every 8-12 days. That is my Ideal Ejaculation Frequency (IEF)… and discovering my IEF changed the game of Semen Retention for me (more pleasure, ease, and enjoyment of all aspects of sex and life).
In this course, you’ll learn how to figure out your own IEF, and you’ll learn how intentional ejaculatory orgasms are an important part of an Integrative Semen Retention practice.
(You’ll also learn how to improve the pleasure of your ejaculatory orgasms too!)
This practice really is worth it…
If you put in the work, these 7 days could set a foundation for you that changes the rest of your life.
Join me for the journey. Commit to yourself for 7 days… really go for it… and see what happens. You will be different on the other side.
See you in the course!
(Click to ask me anything).
As soon as you enroll, you’ll get an important welcome email, plus access to all of the Day 1 content and all of the bonus material in the course platform too. Tomorrow, the Day 2 content will unlock, and the Day 3 content will unlock the day after that, etc…
In the Self-Study version of this course, you’re making a commitment to put in the work to change your life.
This work will be worth your time.
Live Call Recordings:
You get full access to recordings of the previous group coaching sessions (and you’ll easily find these recordings in the course platform). They’re a valuable part of the experience. Don’t skip over these.

Enrollment is Open!
*For a Life-Changing Journey to
► Build your sexual power
► Harness your sexual energy
► Use this charge to create the life you want
Your life is worth the effort.