The Only Anal Sex Course You’ll Ever Need
This course is for any man who wants to master the art of anal sex. Learn to give like a pro, and learn to receive the massive benefits that come from exploring this kind of pleasure in your own body.
The Benefits of Anal…
● Anal orgasms can be incredible
● Anal can build a deep intimacy between you and your partner, and take your sex life to the next level
● You can be one of the few men who truly understands this art, so when you share it with your partner (woman, man, or any gender), you can ensure massive pleasure for both of you
● Exploring anal in your own body can help you experience full-body orgasms, it can improve your sexual health & function, and it can unlock a deep power, freedom and aliveness that will help you thrive in all areas of life

Imagine Being…

100% Confident With Anal
After this course you can go into any anal pleasure experience 100% confident because you’ve learned the anatomy, sexual techniques and skills to give and receive amazing, pain-free and orgasmic anal play.

Orgasmic in Your Entire Body
Unlock full-body orgasms (and possibly even non-ejaculatory orgasms too) by exploring anal pleasure. Many men have said anal was the key to achieve these experiences, and they’ve described the pleasure as “mind-blowingly incredible,” and “higher states of orgasmic pleasure than I thought possible.”

Fully Alive & Thriving
Because you’ve unlocked the part of your body where your sexual vitality, deep freedom and primal aliveness is stored. You’ll feel alive in a new way, and this will help you create the life you want.
The truth about anal is…
Exploring this area of your body can change your life. In addition to the orgasmic pleasure that’s possible, deep transformation is possible too.
In many traditions, the pelvic floor and anal region is seen as the storehouse for your deep vitality, power & primal aliveness. It’s said that if you’re blocked here, you cannot truly thrive in life. Fortunately, the process to unblock and unlock this area of your body is straightforward, and the beneficial impact of doing so on your entire life can be huge.
In This Course You’ll Learn:

Anal Anatomy
- Techniques to easily work with anal anatomy to ensure maximum pleasure
- We’ll cover: the anal sphincter (all 3 of them), anal canal, prostate gland, lining of the anus, sigmoid colon and more…

Anal Energetics
- Practices to unblock energy flow and allow sexual energy to circulate with ease
- Simple lifestyle changes to increase pleasure & aliveness that align with the Taoist & Yogic perspectives on the root (pelvic floor & anal region)

Safety & Hygiene
- Techniques to optimize cleanliness & avoid injury
- How to ensure safer sex and avoid things like urinary tract infections, fecal matter and more…

Anal Penetration Techniques
- A full demo on a life-size sex doll (no human nudity)
- Techniques to have 100% pain-free and 100% pleasurable anal penetration
- Great tips for the giver and receiver

Prostate Pleasure
- How to find & stimulate the prostate
- Prostate massage, prostate milking & the p spot orgasm (prostate orgasm)
- How to help unlock the male full body orgasm

- The complete guide to pegging
- How to play with sexual polarities
- How to choose the best strap on dildo and other pegging tips

How to Choose the Best Anal Toys
- How to use anal toys, and how to clean them
- Which lubes to use (you don’t want to use silicone lubes with silicone toys)
- Guide to butt plugs, the best prostate toy, vibrating anal toys and the best sex toys for men…

Practices & Rituals
- Powerful exercises to unlock your full sexual vitality & aliveness
- Rituals to help you truly transform and experience more pleasure than you have possibly imagined

This is a Self-Study Online Course
That fits to your schedule…
You can complete it on timeline that works best for you, in the comfort and privacy of your own home. As soon as you enroll, you’ll receive access to the entire course, and you’ll also get access to the course via a private app on your phone:

And as a bonus…
You’ll get my access to my personal anal journal… A series of videos where I openly share about my personal experiences with all things anal. For example, here’s the section where I talk about my first experience being pegged:

As an additional bonus…
You’ll get to read hundreds of personal stories from women about their experiences with anal… Learn from their positive and negative experiences (in two PDFs), and gain valuable insights on how you can be the best lover possible. Thank you to every woman who shared their stories with us.

One more thing for clarity…
In order for you to experience the massive growth that’s possible in this course, you’ll need to do the exercises. If you intellectually learn everything without doing these exercises, personal transformation will not occur. The potential here is huge, and it’s called Unlocking the Root for a reason.
Here’s a look into the Prostate Orgasm Ritual:

My name is Taylor, and I used to be afraid of butt stuff.
I used to think it was dirty, painful, and I even thought it would turn me gay if I ever received anal pleasure. (I’m heterosexual, and I never got a good sex education when I was younger).
In my past love life, when I tried to have anal sex with my previous girlfriends, we never got very far because it ended up hurting them. I didn’t understand how to work with anal anatomy, to create safety and the most pleasurable anal sex possible.
I didn’t know what I was missing…
Anal sex can be INCREDIBLE, and it doesn’t have to hurt.
You can experience massive amounts of pleasure and benefits from exploring this area of your body too. It’s a good idea.
Exploring your own anal pleasure can:
- Improve your ejaculatory orgasms
- Open the doors to multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms
- Increase your vitality and aliveness
- Increase your confidence and happiness
- Make you a better lover
- Help you experience the male anal orgasm
- and much more…
I created this course because I want you to be armed with all the knowledge and tools you need to have amazing, mind-blowing & orgasmically pleasurable anal sex. Either with your partner and/or with yourself too.
This course is comprehensive.
In addition to the full guide to anal sex, which includes everything about anal anatomy, anal training, prostate pleasure, pegging and pain-free penetration techniques and more…
You’ll get a library of exercises that will completely unlock your root and transform your relationship to pleasure.
It’s worth it.
I’m telling you this from personal experience, as a heterosexual male that has explored more than most people ever will. I’m a full time sex educator now because I want every man to understand and experience what’s possible. Becoming skilled in this area of sex will massively improve your entire life.
There’s a link below to ask me any questions about the course.
I’m a real human, and I’m here to help.
Let’s level up together!

Your Guide:

My name is Taylor, and I used to be afraid of butt stuff.
I used to think it was dirty, painful, and I even thought it would turn me gay if I ever received anal pleasure. (I’m heterosexual, and I never got a good sex education when I was younger).
In my past love life, when I tried to have anal sex with my previous girlfriends, we never got very far because it ended up hurting them. I didn’t understand how to work with anal anatomy, to create safety and the most pleasurable anal sex possible.
I didn’t know what I was missing…
Anal sex can be INCREDIBLE, and it doesn’t have to hurt.
You can experience massive amounts of pleasure and benefits from exploring this area of your body too. It’s a good idea.
Exploring your own anal pleasure can:
- Improve your ejaculatory orgasms
- Open the doors to multiple non-ejaculatory orgasms
- Increase your vitality and aliveness
- Increase your confidence and happiness
- Make you a better lover
- Help you experience the male anal orgasm
- and much more…
I created this course because I want you to be armed with all the knowledge and tools you need to have amazing, mind-blowing & orgasmically pleasurable anal sex. Either with your partner and/or with yourself too.
This course is comprehensive.
In addition to the full guide to anal sex, which includes everything about anal anatomy, anal training, prostate pleasure, pegging and pain-free penetration techniques and more…
You’ll get a library of exercises that will completely unlock your root and transform your relationship to pleasure.
It’s worth it.
I’m telling you this from personal experience, as a heterosexual male that has explored more than most people ever will. I’m a full time sex educator now because I want every man to understand and experience what’s possible. Becoming skilled in this area of sex will massively improve your entire life.
There’s a link below to ask me any questions about the course.
I’m a real human, and I’m here to help.
Let’s level up together!
Course FAQ
How much time will this course take?
Learning the most important fundamentals will take between 2-3 hours. To be masterful in this area of sex though, you’ll need to do more.
I suggest taking a couple of weeks to digest all of the educational content in this course, and I also suggest spreading the exercises out over a month. That way you experience more sustainable growth – instead of just being blown wide open in a short period of time.
Do straight men like anal?
Absolutely. 300 heterosexual men completed my comprehensive survey on anal sex, and 80% of these heterosexual men enjoy receiving some kind of anal stimulation during sex from their partner.
68% of these men like their partner’s finger on their own anus during sex, and 40% of the men in these heterosexual couples enjoy receiving full anal penetration from a sex toy.
Of the heterosexual men who have tried pegging, 91% say they enjoy it. And 50% of all heterosexual men in the survey said that they wanted to try pegging. Only 12% of the men had actually tried it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Exploring anal will NOT impact your sexual orientation in any way. Any sex act between a man and a woman is a heterosexual sex act. Also, I’m a heterosexual man who has explored a lot of anal, and I am still VERY and only sexually attracted to women.
Can women orgasm from anal?
59% of the women who completed my comprehensive anal sex survey said they have experienced an anal orgasm. (59% of almost 300 women).
67% of the women in the survey who have had an anal orgasm said they had one while being penetrated by a penis (in comparison to other methods like fingering & analingus).
The second and third most common ways these women had anal orgasms were through receiving fingering (49%) and via a sex toy (41%). Obviously all of these percentages add up to over 100% – that means that many of these women have had multiple anal orgasms with a variety of stimulation techniques.
So yes. It’s possible. 🙂
Is this course for gay men?
This course is designed for every man. For transparency, I am a heterosexual male, and because I teach from a combination of my personal experience and in-depth research, there is more discussion in this course about heterosexual anal experiences.
For example, the personal stories I share in this course all have to do with women. The anal penetration demo is done on a female sex doll, and I often share survey data from women who have sex with men. That being said, I celebrate all sexual orientations, and the vast majority of this course applies to all bodies & orientations. If you are gay or bi or anything other than heterosexual, you are welcome here!
There are certain safety measures gay and bi men should specifically consider taking to ensure safety when having sex with other men (because of the heightened risk of HIV transmission). Specifically, taking a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the proper way reduces the risk of getting HIV from unprotected anal sex by 99%. I can’t speak to this in-depth because it’s outside of my personal experience, but my friends who are gay and bi swear by this.
The butt is the great equalizer. Every person of of every sexual orientation, gender and biological sex has an ass hole. And all of our ass holes are wired for orgasmic pleasure. 🙂
Why does anal sex hurt?
93% of women who have received penetrative anal sex have experienced pain during anal. It’s very common. I assume the same can be said for men who have been penetrated too (I experienced pain in my first few pegging attempts too, before I understood anal anatomy and the steps necessary to ensure success).
Anal sex does NOT have to hurt (and it shouldn’t).
If anal penetration hurts, it means something is wrong. If anal sex hurts, you’re probably going too fast, or not using enough lubrication. You do NOT need to “push through” any pain, and you should never use any numbing creams.
After this course you’ll never have to wonder about how to prepare for anal play again. You’ll be able to confidently give and receive highly pleasurable and 100% pain-free anal of any kind.
Is anal sex safe?
IF you approach anal play with care and intentionality, and you learn all of the anatomy, techniques and best practices needed to have truly pleasurable anal, then yes – it can be very safe.
And, anal also comes with its own unique risks to you and your partner’s physical and sexual health (that are actually pretty easy to navigate):
● Receptive anal sex comes with a higher transmission rate of sexually transmitted infections for the receiving partner (due to the thin lining in the anal canal).
● Anal intercourse comes with a higher risk of bacterial infections than vaginal intercourse (there is e. coli in the anal cavity of most healthy people).
● Lots of people say anal sex hurts, and it very much can! When anal is done without basic preparation, without lots of lube, and without a large enough amount of time for the anus to relax open, the risk of injury is real. Tears and anal fissures can happen, and they hurt. The good news is when you follow this course, you’ll be having pain-free anal in no time.
What about lube?
There is no such thing as too much lube with anal. Use a LOT of lube, and add more before you think you need to. In terms of your lube options, most people don’t recommend using water-based lubes because they dry out and feel sticky. I agree. Most people recommend using silicone-based lubes because they’re silky smooth and last a long time. You will need lube for this course.
Some oil-based lubes can work well too. It all depends on what kind of toy or tool you’re using. For example, you don’t want to use silicone lube on a silicone butt plug, because the interaction of the silicone will cause a break-down of the surface of the toy. You also don’t want to use any oil-based lube with latex condoms because the oil can break down the latex and cause the condom to break.
Will this course help me have non-ejaculatory orgasms?
Many men say that exploring anal (on the receiving end) was the key to successfully having their first non-ejaculatory orgasm. I do recommend anal self-penetration to all men in my Orgasmic Mastery Course, because I do think it’s a useful and powerful step to take in the process of sexual mastery.
And to be clear, learning to have an orgasm without ejaculation is NOT a main focus of this course. Learning how to do this consistently takes a good amount of practice over time, and if that’s something you’re interested in, I highly recommend checking out my Orgasmic Mastery Course.
Will I have to penetrate myself in this course?
You never have to do anything you don’t want to. That being said, I will encourage you to do this for a couple of reasons:
1 – If you’ve never been penetrated, you don’t truly understand what it’s like. That means you have room to improve as a lover. Penetrating yourself will give you an embodied wisdom of this process, and this will make you a much better lover whenever you penetrate anybody else.
2 – The amount of pleasure you can experience through receiving anal penetration is beyond words. Once you get over any stigma or limiting beliefs around this, your pleasure will exponentially increase. Anal masturbation can open up a lot for you. Why? Because you have a ton of nerve endings in your anal region – wired for orgasmic pleasure.
3 – The energetic healing, opening, freedom, aliveness and personal transformation that’s possible through literally opening your root is massive too. Until you have experienced this firsthand, it’s not really possible to understand what I’m talking about. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
What if I'm not satisfied with this course?
Let me know within 3 days of purchasing this course and I’ll issue you a full refund, no questions asked. Because of the structure of this course, after these first 3 days, refunds will not be issued.
How long do I have access to this course?
For years to come. If you have a hot date 6 months or a year from now and you want to explore anal with them, you can just log into the course and get a quick refresher. There is no expiration date.
If you want more Anal Sex FAQ (on things like prostate orgasms, pegging, rimming, anal training, root chakra opening and more), scroll to the bottom of this page under the “ENROLL NOW” button.

Enroll Today!
*For the Complete Guide to:
► Master the art of anal pleasure
► Unlock mind-blowing orgasms
► Feel fully alive & vital
If you enroll today, you’ll get access to the upcoming live group call on October 12th @ 1pm EST – all about anal.
Anal Sex FAQ
What is anal training?
Anal training is the process of you or your partner gradually stretching their anus over time for the sake of being more easily able to receive anal penetration. (Typically done over weeks to months).
One time I went to a private anal sex workshop/party once, and watched someone get penetrated by a gigantic strap on dildo with barely any warmup. It was intense, and everyones jaws dropped and remained wide open for the entire demo.
Afterwards, the receptive partner told us that they had been doing various forms of anal training for many months before that moment. That’s how they were able to jump straight into full penetration with a gigantic toy with barely any warmup. In retrospect, they definitely should have told us that fact up front. It would have been less shocking… 🙂
Where is the male G Spot?
When someone talks about the male g-spot, what they’re really talking about is the prostate. Some people call this the p-spot, and it’s inside the anal cavity – located in a similar anatomical position to where the g-spot is located within the vaginal canal. You can see a visual graphic of this higher up on the page in the “Prostate Pleasure” section.
Prostate stimulation can be insanely pleasurable when done well. If you want to have a full-body orgasm that shakes the earth, try stimulating your prostate while you have an ejaculatory orgasm. It’s the fastest way to full-body orgasm I’ve found.
What does a prostate orgasm feel like?
It can be deep, full-body, mind-blowing, heart-expanding, explosive, almost-overwhelming and rolling like waves that crash over and over again.
To put it in simple terms, prostate orgasms can be 20x more pleasurable than the typical ejaculatory orgasm. That figure isn’t based on anything other than the subjective experiences of myself and many men I’ve talked to.
In this course you’ll learn how to have a prostate orgasm, and there’s a ritual/practice that’s specifically about this too.
Do women like anal sex?
58% of the women who completed my anal survey say they like receiving full penetrative anal sex from a man. Some women even prefer anal intercourse over vaginal sex.
95% of the women who completed my survey said that they like receiving some kind of anal pleasure from their partner. That’s a super high number.
And to be fair, my surveys are a bit skewed because someone needs to be open-minded enough to actually fill out a survey on anal sex in the first place… but nonetheless it’s safe to say that many (but not all) women like anal.
What is pegging?
Pegging is a term that refers to a sex act in a heterosexual couple where the woman wears a strap-on dildo and penetrates the man. This term was coined by sex columnist Dan Savage after asking his podcast listeners (Savage Love) to come up with and vote on a term that best described this act.
Now when someone asks what does it mean to peg someone? You can help spread the good word.
Interesting fact: heterosexual men who have been pegged make significantly more money than heterosexual men who have never been pegged. That’s a hell of a claim right? I found that correlation when analyzing the data from my anal survey. Obviously correlation does not equal causation… but it’s an interesting statistic for sure. I’ll let you ponder that one for a bit…
What is butt stuff?
This is basically a modern slang term that refers to any kind of anal play. Anal fingering, rimming (analingus), prostate stimulation, pegging and anal sex are all contained in the term butt stuff.
What is analingus?
Often known as rimming, eating ass, or giving a rimjob, analingus is technically defined as oral sex performed on the anus. Basically, it’s when you lick your partner’s anus in a sexual context (of if they lick yours). It’s one of the sex acts that weirds people out the most, but it can feel absolutely incredible to receive this.
And it can be highly erotic – in part because it’s so taboo for most people, and because we all have a ton of nerve endings that are wired for pleasure in our anal region – anus specifically.
Obviously you’ll only want to do this after the receptive partner has showered and thoroughly cleaned this part of their body.
What is prostate milking?
The term prostate milking refers to the process of directly massaging the prostate until some prostatic fluid is released out of the penis. This fluid is smooth and clear, and it typically makes up about 20-30% of semen volume during an ejaculatory orgasm.
The process can be pleasurable, but it doesn’t have to be. Some people do this for purely utilitarian, health-oriented reasons – to keep their prostate healthy. Some people say prostate milking helps relieve prostatitis symptoms. I haven’t personally had any experience with this, but it’s supposedly possible.
Men who practice semen retention might want to explore prostate milking to help cycle these fluids without having a full ejaculatory orgasm.
How popular is anal sex?
So popular that Harvard University now offers a regular anal sex course to its students called “What What in the Butt: Anal Sex 101.” Pretty cool eh?
The statistics on just how many people have tried anal sex vary, but one thing is clear: the amount of people having anal sex is increasing over time. Or maybe everyone has been having anal sex the whole time, and people are slowly becoming open enough to tell researchers about it. 😀
Is anal sex a sin?
If you’re asking is anal a sin, then I’m guessing you’re coming from a Christian background. Within Christianity, there are a VERY WIDE range of perspectives on this. Some Christians say it’s a sin, and other Christians celebrate it. To me that means there is no absolute… it’s all a matter of perspective, and you get to choose your own.
My personal belief is that any adults engaging in any consensual sexual experiences should be celebrated. Sex is beautiful. Pleasure is beautiful. Life is beautiful. We’re literally wired for pleasure in our butts. Why not enjoy it? 😀