You can begin today.

Semen Retention Mastery
A 21-day, guided semen retention challenge to help you build your sexual power, clarify your life purpose and create the life you want.

Semen Retention Mastery
A 21-day, guided semen retention challenge to help you build your sexual power, clarify your life purpose and create the life you want.
**This is the SELF-STUDY version of this course – meaning you get access to Day 1 as soon as you enroll, and you get to go through the entire course on your own time (without an active private group or live group calls). You DO get recordings of the past live group calls and office hours sessions, and once complete, you will get access to any future live calls for the men who have completed this course.
► Watching life pass you by and not living at your cutting edge
► Getting distracted by porn & fantasy
► Feeling sexually depleted
► Not creating the projects you really want to create
► Clarify your purpose and take action to create the life you want
► Feel confident and powerful in all areas of your life
► Commit to yourself fully
► Use these 21 days to create a MAJOR turning point in your life
Over these 21 days, you will…
1. Build Your Sexual Power
With Semen Retention, Tantric and Taoist Practices – and you’ll integrate this energy into your entire life in healthy, safe and practical ways.
2. Clarify Your Life Purpose
And anchor this deep within your body – with guided somatic exercises, reflection and visualization. You will be able to feel your purpose as a guiding light.
3. Take Action to Create What You Want
By transmuting your sexual energy INTO direct action in the world – so you can begin to create the project(s) and life you truly want.
*It’s important to understand that semen retention is about much more than just not ejaculating. It’s a lifestyle practice that requires great intentionality AND regular action in the world to ensure success. The men who will get the most out of this course are men who are ready to take action EVERY day for all 21 days.
Increase in Mental Clarity
Increase in Confidence
Increase in Sexual Vitality
These numbers are real. I collect data on the men who go through my courses to track the effectiveness and impact of the courses. There’s more data further down on this page.
Increase in Mental Clarity
Increase in Confidence
Increase in Sexual Vitality
These numbers are real. I collect data on the men who go through my courses to track the effectiveness and impact of the courses. There’s more data further down on this page.

► In-depth & practical instruction on everything you need to know to supercharge your life with semen retention in a powerful, safe and balanced way
► Daily videos & emails to guide you on this journey (for 21 days)
► Recordings of previous live group coaching/accountability calls
► Recordings of previous live group office hours sessions
► Downloadable PDF exercise guides
Full list of course topics below…
► How to transmute your sexual energy
► Determining your Ideal Ejaculation Frequency
► Semen retention and attraction
► How to use semen retention to create financial abundance
► How to avoid the risks & dangers of semen retention
► How to unlock your inner king
► How to successfully close your energy leaks
► How to integrate your sexuality with your higher purpose
► Practices to integrate orgasmic vitality into your every day life
► How to create powerful morning rituals
► How to optimize your environment for success
► Taoist & Tantric sexual practices
► Microcosmic Orbit & Chakra integration
► Understanding & feeling sexual energy
► Sexual Qigong, Yoga & Breathwork
► The importance of sex without ejaculation
► The importance of masturbation without ejaculation
► How to practice semen retention in long-term relationship
► How to practice semen retention while being single
► A basic introduction to non-ejaculatory orgasms
► How to stop watching porn
► An introduction to ejaculatory choice
► Why pleasure-positive semen retention can be better than abstinence
► How to visualize and create the life you want
“You are entirely responsible for cutting through your own laziness, addictions, and unclarity. There is nothing to wait for and nobody to blame. Whatever techniques are appropriate, use them.”
– David Deida
The Way of the Superior Man
Thanks Taylor for the great course! I feel a deep and powerful sense of presence and ease. I took finished the orgasmic mastery course a week or so before taking this course, and coupling the two courses together has provided me what I believe to be an incredibly strong foundation for my practice going forward. After taking these courses, I feel a complete 180 with regard to my ability to use sexuality as a positive force in my life.
The best emotional/sexual work to date. I find myself in deeper states daily. Holding energy and integrating it, while minimizing leaks, brings a lot to the light of self that would stay in the darkness. I am glad to have participated.
A truly life changing course, even for those like who had been celibate previously.
I’ve become more aware of sexual energy alchemy. I’m more clear-minded and less distracted.
Feeling more in control with my ability to create the life I desire.
Ok so I’ve got more mental clarity and energy and life purpose and that is all great. However, I want to express how amazing I feel from some of these exercises. The microcosmic orbit was an awesome thing to learn how to do especially since I can do it anywhere. I felt great after doing it.
I have to say my favorite one so far was the 20 minute breathwork we did a few days ago. My hands ended up doing that cramping thing which was crazy to feel! I felt sooooooo fucking energized and awesome after doing that one. I sat there for a few minutes after doing it and one of the main sensations I felt was on my face. I had to so much energy surging through me that my face felt like it was boiling. Not in a hurtful way at all. But the energy was like so overflowing that it felt like my face and skin were bubbling. It was crazy and I felt so amazing afterwards.
I’m pretty surprised to say also that my energy has integrated so well that I haven’t had a single desire to look at porn or even really fantasize about anyone… I’m so focused on important things that I can’t be distracted… It’s pretty nuts. So thank you!
“Integration” is a word that keeps coming to mind; integrating sexual and other energies in mind, body, and spirit. Also loved your comments about ejaculation being a joyful, wonderful, experience, and a gift, not to be avoided or shunned, but to be chosen when appropriate for each of us.
I never learned to integrate my sexual energy before. Now, I’m feeling so empowered. Feeling energized by not ejaculating, and also experiencing more energy than I have in a long time!!! It was like a wake-up call.
Feels like I’m getting part of my life back, my power…
This is probably one of the best courses I have invested in. I never knew breathwork can be so amazing and there are so many different ways to breathe! Breath of fire, the exercise we did yesterday, the microcosmic breathing technique when you feel sexual urge with someone…all are so amazing and powerful!
The greatest benefit I experienced from taking this course is being able to really find a connection I never had with myself and my body. This connection and energy is what I have been missing all along. This is giving me major confidence in life.
I am experiencing more energy, much better mental clarity, I feel my emotions a lot more, I’m much more in touch with my intuition. Thanks mate, it’s been a great learning experience for me, and I am certainly experiencing the potential of this practice. Here I was obsessively taking herbs to build my energy, though the semen retention practice was my missing link!
I feel positive that I’ll be able to take these tools into my future.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: This 21-day course is specifically for men who want to harness their true life force power, and use it to create the life they want. It’s not specifically about sexual mastery in the context of actual sex with another person.
If you want to learn how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms and that sort of thing, my Orgasmic Mastery Course is a better option for you.
The following charts show quantitative before/after data from all of the men who have completed this 21-day journey. In surveys on the 1st and last day, I asked these men to respond to the following statements by clicking the option they felt in regards to the statements (strongly agree, agree, disagree etc…)
Q1: “I feel clear about my life purpose.”


Q2: “I feel powerful in my life on a daily basis.”


Q3: “I can feel my sexual energy.”


Q4: “I am able to harness and utilize my sexual energy.”


As a group, this is a 121% IMPROVEMENT from day 1 of the training!!
Q5: “I am often distracted by porn, sexual fantasy, sexual pursuits and/or the desire to watch porn.”


There are 6 more data points I measured, and I will link to those right here in a separate blog post soon.
How is this different from the Orgasmic Mastery Course?
Semen Retention Mastery is a step by step guided process for you to build your life force energy, harness it, and take daily action to literally create the life you want (in the context of health, creative & career success).
Orgasmic Mastery is about peak sexual performance – specifically focusing on sexual technique and the context of sex. Watch this video to see more differences.
Will this course be super new-agey?
Nope. This training combines sexual wisdom from ancient traditions with practical & straightforward exercises so you can easily integrate this into your life without chanting to 47 gods and goddesses or having to drink your own urine.
What if I ejaculate during the challenge?
If you have an accidental ejaculation (wet dream for example), it’s not a failure. This challenge is about practice, process and commitment, and as long as you stick to the exercises in this challenge, you WILL experience changes in your life.
Did you really spend $36,308 on sex & relationship trainings?
Yes. My coach challenged me to add everything up from the past 10 years. The number shocked me too. You don’t have to spend this much to experience major changes in your sex life. Your investment gets you the most effective practices for literally a fraction of what I’ve invested.
Will I have to masturbate?
This semen retention challenge is pleasure-positive, which means I will ask to you find pleasure in your entire body – without ending in ejaculation. I will not ask you to masturbate in any traditional sense of the word.
What if I'm gay? Will this benefit me?
Absolutely. The material and practices in this course are beneficial for anyone who has a penis. And for the record, I fully celebrate all sexual choices that happen between consenting adults.
Will this course teach me how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms?
No. This course is specifically about lifestyle mastery (and it’s not focused on sexual techniques for having sex with other people). If you want a course focused on that, my Orgasmic Mastery Course is the one for you.
How long will I have access to this training?
If you join at full price, you’ll have access to this course for many years to come, including ALL future updates to this course.
If you use the “pay what you can” option, you’ll have access to all of the course content for 30 days. This way you have 9 additional days to integrate the material after the 21-day journey completes.
What if I'm not happy with this training?
Let me know at any point before Day 6 becomes available (BEFORE April 21st), and I’ll issue you a refund. Once day 6 becomes available, refunds will no longer be available.
Your Guide…
And why this 21-day semen retention challenge was created…
My name is Taylor,
and I know what it’s like to live a life without clarity of purpose. I went through long periods of passivity, addiction to porn and excessive ejaculation. I went through long periods of letting my life force go…
With practice I started to experience “success” and “happiness.” I was a contractor for major corporations like Facebook & Google, I had sexy girlfriends, travelled the world and made thousands of dollars in a day…
But something still wasn’t right… and last year it hit me…
I had never fully committed to myself and my purpose on this planet. I was just going through the motions of what I thought “success” should be. So…
For my 34th birthday, I committed to 30 days of:
- No ejaculation
- No porn
- No fantasy
- Daily Qigong Practice
- Daily Meditation
- Daily Sexual Energy Cultivation
- Daily Journaling on my Life Vision
I committed to myself in a way I never had before, and it changed everything.
This is why I’m here right now with you, because I know the true power that’s inside us – we just have to choose to use it.
Most of us go our entire lives without ever really committing to ourselves and our visions. Most of us don’t realize that what we do with our sexual energy has HUGE impacts on our ability to create the life we want. Tantric & Taoist traditions have known this for a long time, and it’s finally beginning to catch on.
If you want to commit to yourself in a major way that will integrate your sex and spirit, and could change the course of your life forever… I’m here to help.
Join me and a group of brothers from around the world who are stepping up together. The world needs us.

Your Guide…
And why this 21-day semen retention challenge was created…

My name is Taylor,
and I know what it’s like to live a life without clarity, zest and purpose. I went through long periods of being passive… Addiction to porn and excessive ejaculations. I went through long periods of letting my life force go…
Wondering why my life wasn’t going the way I wanted…
Through committing to my practice of integrative semen retention, I started to experience “success” and “happiness.”
I was hired as a contractor for major corporations like Facebook & Google. I had sexy girlfriends, travelled the world and made thousands of dollars in a day…
But something still wasn’t right… and one day a few years ago it hit me…
I had never fully committed to myself and my purpose on this planet. I was just going through the motions of what I thought “success” should be. So…
For my 34th birthday, I committed to 30 days of:
- No ejaculation
- No porn
- No fantasy
- Daily Qigong Practice
- Daily Meditation
- Daily Sexual Energy Cultivation
- Daily Journaling on my Life Vision
I committed to myself in a way I never had before…
And it changed everything.
THIS is why this 21-day training exists.
Because when you commit to yourself, and prioritize your life and vision every day WHILE cultivating your sexual life force energy, BIG changes can happen.
You have an incredible power inside you that you can harness and use to create the life you want.
You just have to make the choice and DECIDE to go for it.
It takes training and practice, and that’s why I’m here. To help you.
Why? Because the world needs more men who are living their fullest lives, and I want to know more men who are committed to living this way too.
Think about it…
Most men go their entire lives without ever committing to thelselves and their visions.
Most men don’t realize that what we do with our sexual energy has HUGE impacts on our ability to create the life we want.
Tantric & Taoist traditions have known this for a long time, and it’s finally beginning to catch on in mainstream society (this is why we’re seeing an explosion of NoFap and Semen Retention content everywhere).
If you’re ready to create the life you want, by committing to yourself and taking action, I’m here to help.
Don’t go your entire life without doing something like this.
Join me and a group of men from around the world who are stepping up together. The world needs us.
(Click to ask me anything).
► As soon as you enroll in Self-Study, you’ll get immediate access to the Day 1 content of the course.
► Every day after that: another day of the course will automatically unlock in your course platform on a daily basis, until day 21.

Commit to your 21-day journey today!
*For 21 Days of Powerful Self-Cultivation
► Build Your Sexual Energy
► Clarify Your Life Purpose
► Create the Life You Want
Important: If you choose the sliding scale option, read the “Important” section on the next page – to make sure you understand how this works.